The new
way to do

Coming soon in 2024

A revolutionary marketing subscription service

Why does working with traditional advertising agencies have to be such a hassle? With Swayz, you can say goodbye to traditional agencies that can often be costly, have long delays and are less responsive to your needs. 


Social media




Flyers and presentations

UX/UI design

Ad campaigns


Website design & integration


Market strategy

Customer portal (app)

Send your projects request from anywhere directly to our team of dedicated creative marketing experts. Track the progress of your projects in real-time, get quotes, check your ad campaign results, exchange with your project team and gather all your brand assets in one secure location. 

Become more efficient

Making the switch from traditional agencies to Sway’s marketing subscription service is like having your own dedicated marketing department without the complications associated to having an internal hire. Get rid of email clutter by following your projects directly from your portal.

Complete your projects faster

Swayz is a diversified team composed of project managers, designers, developers, strategists and marketers to take your projects from kickoff to completion the only way we know how, fast and efficiently.

Flexible plans

Our variety of plans and add-ons were put together to make  you get the right plan for your marketing needs. By opting onto one of our plans, it’s also easier to plan your annual marketing  expenses, all from one source!